I can't believe you see nothing divisive or mendacious in Biden's speech. It's voter suppression for Georgia to allow no excuse absentee ballots while Delaware and New York do not? You need an ID to enter numerous establishments but it is racist to require one to vote? A law that allows water to be provided but bars electioneering on the voting line is Jim Crow 2.0? And why does everything have to fall on one or the other extreme of a right/left spectrum? Both parties seek to obtain and keep political power. For a sitting president to brand opposition to his party's power grab to be equivalent to the confederacy is destructive and stupid. This country does not need more gasoline thrown onto the fire of race relations.

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Tulsi Gabbard is a true american populist, left on economics, right on culture, against forever wars and an enemy of big tech. Unless Biden dies in the next 3 years Tulsi will be the first female President of the United States. You know this and this makes you especially afraid of her.

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