"to attack the civilian population"? Hamas shoots rockets FIRST, and indiscriminately at Israeli homes. The IDF literally tries to evacuate buildings before bombing them. And to just entirely chalk off THREE THOUSAND rockets falling on israelis is not respecting their human right to safety. Still, I agree Israeli is in the wrong for overcompensated so harshly and israel has more ability to make changes first so they should---we must get rid of israel's right wing leadership. And stop right wing israelis from stealing land. They continue adding fuel to this conflict. I want the palestinians to have equal citizenship---that is a necessity to move forward. End the racist nation state laws. But we also cannot place the blame solely on Israelis and we cannot blow-off the threats Israelis face. That's just doing what right wingers do when they disregard the humanity of the Palestinians. Hamas' charter, the governing body of Gaza, literally calls for its members to kill Jews (not just Israelis). And that's just Hamas. Israel is quite literally surrounded by people who want to kill them. You just cannot separate that from the security-state oppression Israel inflicts on Palestinians. Nothing is simple.

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Last year you declared yourself in favor of looting small shops, in the US, but then you were ecstatic that the official Star Wars twitter account supported Black Lives Matter so I guess looting Rodeo Drive was a no, [https://nonsite.org/the-triumph-of-black-lives-matter-and-neoliberal-redemption/] and now you're supporting Palestinian demands for actually existing bourgeois democracy.

A binational state was always the only just solution after 1945, and the Israelis in their idiocy have made it inevitable. But the narcissism of American 'leftists' hasn't helped a bit.

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