First, this point was hardly the focus of your piece. Second, the organizers, according to my reading, did not say slavery and vaccine mandates/COVID restrictions were THE SAME, just that Juneteenth a day to honor and celebrate freedom and liberation. My goodness -- can't believe you don't see this distinction. Bodily autonomy is a fundamental human right and central to anyone's notion of freedom.

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As someone who has held progressive values my entire adult life, I am dismayed by the number of people on the left who no longer seem to value and support choice (in this case, the choice to decide what is injected into oneself or one's children). And is it not in alignment with leftist values to want to protect that person's rights and freedoms if they make such a choice? And didn't it used to be the lefties who questioned people with structural power the most: the governmental decision-makers, the military authorities, the corporate titans? Why is it now NOT OK to question and research and share one's findings? The people I know who are questioning these shots and the mandates are grounded squarely in science, real science, not just what is reported in the headlines. To wit: The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 calls vaccines "unavoidably unsafe products." The Covid shots are now being investigated by the CDC for links to potentially lethal heart inflammation (many other serious adverse reactions also could and should be investigated). Almost 6,000 deaths connected to the shots have been reported to VAERS, the government database for collecting adverse events from vaccines. If any other product or drug had been found to cause so many deaths within six months on the market, wouldn't it have been yanked from the marketplace? Can we not agree that these shots are not now and will never be one-size-fits-all safe? So isn't freedom of choice essential?

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Do you think Covid restrictions are akin to American chattel slavery and the Holocaust?

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None of what you offer here as “facts” 6K deaths didn’t happen. the VAERS data you “cite” is 100% unverified. no one is saying any vaccine is 100% safe but when you blatantly lie by quoting something from legislation designed to help those hurt by genuinely harmful medical products, you show your true colors. the NCVA absolutely does not say that and does not claim that universally vaccines are harmful products. honestly shameful stuff. if you want to oppose something for medical reasons do it properly. don’t lie and pretend like a child to try and contort reality. attitudes like yours are not progressive, they’re not even intelligent. you deserve scorn, derision and to be ostracized. i pity your children.

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Well done, thank you so much for sharing this! https://substack.com/

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LOLOL...people who don't wear masks are bullied? I have to say that I have ridiculed, laughed at and yelled more times than I care to cite...by those very 'poor little bullied non mask wears'. It is a nasty and vocal group who are not frightened to hurt, slur or threaten anyone who dare cares about the health of themselves and our communities.

What a bloody joke!

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As a South African, raised under apartheid, the idea of having to show my covid pass in order to get access to places and to associate publicly with people is deeply reminiscent of the show-your-papers system that existed in apartheid South Africa. We called it the 'dompas' and it puzzles me deeply that progressive people could possibly support the implementation of such a system here in the US. It is sad that people like this writer seem to think that only certain people deserve fundamental freedoms and that he mocks people who are working in the abolitionist tradition.

Kudos to the organizers of the event! Best of luck and I'm sure all this publicity is most welcome!!

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